The Equine Life
A podcast series aimed to inspire, motivate and empower horse riders and lovers a like, across New Zealand & the tasman. Stimulating stories and learnings across all disciplines and aspects of horsemanship complimenting resources already at your fingertips. A must listen to as you head down the road to that next adventure on horseback or as you simply get those must do lists completed so you can get back in the saddle.By riders for riders.
Podcasting since 2021 • 54 episodes
The Equine Life
Latest Episodes
S4 E5 The Equine Artist
Welcome to episode five of season four.In this episode join me as we are inspired by equine artist Elizabeth Crosby and how she has navigated the challenges of illness and change to follow her dreams and love of horses to run a business...
Season 4
Episode 5

S4E4 The Humble Cowgirl - Justine Gibson
Welcome to episode four of season four where we chat with current 2024 NZ Rodeo Cowboy Association Barrel Racing and All Round Cowgirl Champion on her rodeo journey to date as well as visiting her recent trip to Kentucky representing NZ in the ...
Season 4
Episode 4

S4 E3 The Study of the Equine Hoof with Dr Lindsey Field
Welcome to episode three of season 4. In this episode join me as we learn more about our equine friends hoofs and what we can do to ensure they last a life time. As the saying goes no hoof no horse!Dr Lindsey Field has been studying...
Season 4
Episode 3

S4 E2 International Equestrian Groom Lydia Beales
Welcome to episode two of season 4. In this episode join me as we learn about what really happens behind the scenes at every horse show and world class equestrian event as we discuss Hawea based Lydia Beales career as an internatio...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4 E1 Ellen Osborne - The Equine Sports Massage Therapist
Welcome to season four episode 1 and another exciting and informative story. Ellen Osborne is a down to earth Equine Sports Massage Therapist operating out of Waikato in the North Island of New Zealand. She joins your host Oli...
Season 4
Episode 1